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ABE UPDATE - Message of 10th March 2024

A continuation of the series of videos based on recent ABE updates (started in 2022). In this series I read out the latest messages or 'nudges' from ABE (the Unified Field) and share my thoughts on the message.

March 10th 2024

See, you mustn't buy into the notion that you somehow have to RAISE your vibration. If you try to do so you will be but chasing a ghost. This is what you can get caught up within, and in this lead you very much off track. See, what it is is in the allowance of something to rise - and how does one ‘allow,’ you may ask? It is in the very dropping of chasing anything; it is not in the action but in the letting go. And this does not mean you do nothing; but allowing does feel like you yourselves have come to rest, to stop, if you will. To lay down your swords and your shields and allowing yourself to flow. And it is not seen as actively taking action, for in this ALLOWANCE you simply allow – step, relate. This is not reaching, it is allowing your natural resonance take you through your life; and it is flow, it is ease - no more resistance or chasing, you see? You see, and what we might add is so: see, you have a localised resonance that is in harmonic relational value to this of your planet. And you see, your localised resonance of planetary position is also of relational value. And you see, this does so go out and out, all in but relational value to. But do so hear this when we say: what does so go out does so come back, and it is all but a loop. When you are in allowance, you allow all these factors and not that of just your own pushing point. See, you may not think this as so but each and every one of you are pivotal in this relational alignment. And you see, as far as it may reach out and you can take it, as taking the lids off of the Russian dolls, so that you do not have the containment as such. In other words, lose the head a little and allow this relational locality points flow. For you see, this is what is so when is touched upon when speaking of oneness: it is variable locational points. You see, not all same, not all one, but in relational alignment - not just with each other intact. This may seem of dissonance at first because, you see, it is not to be agreeable to be in alignment, in relational value, to one another, for it is all in the variable, you see? You see, it is not what you add on to REACH a higher vibrational resonance - it is the heaviness in which you ALLOW to fall away in this ALLOWING your vibrational setting point, you see. For you do not have to figure out or reach or chase a higher vibrational resonance - for how do you truly know it is so? For you are already it, are you not? It is only by ALLOWING yourself to let go of that which suppresses it - you see this now, do you not? For otherwise you will only be adding more weight to that which only ever wants to rise naturally, what truly now wishes to rise to the surface. Also, see this: in allowing this to rise know that not all of you serve the same purpose. For you see, some are in the dark corners. To allow this flow you will not all rise, but you will all raise. And that is but the key factor here - the relational value: THE VARIABLE VIBRATIONAL POINTS.

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'Perception is Everything'
Communications from the Unified Field