'Perception is Everything'
Notes from a Lesser Reality
The Natives are Restless

The Natives are Restless

Life in the Existential Zone

There is little sense in trying to fathom what is the ‘rational’ in today’s world. The threshold from a realm of rationality has been crossed, and we have entered the Theatre of the Absurd. Nothing seems to make sense; or rather, no one in authority is now trying to appear rational or making sense. The façade of sense-making has been dropped because everyone knows the consensus narrative is based upon a lie and even those upholding it cannot be bothered any longer to uphold the lie. It is as if the irrational has become the new standardization, so why bother to pretend things are otherwise?

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'Perception is Everything'
Notes from a Lesser Reality
Insights and observations from the scribbles of author Kingsley L. Dennis