
The VISIONS SERIES (1) - a new series of prophetic visions exploring potential evolutionary futures of humankind based on extraordinary visionary experiences. This first series explores the visions of A.J. Peterson as told within 'Approach to Reality' (Rose-King Publications, 1983).

No.5 in Series 1: A GIANT NEXUS

HEADPHONES recommended - for full immersive listening.

A musical presentation from Dr.Dennis & Dedfela

Video Production: Kingsley L. Dennis

Music composed, performed, mixed and mastered by Moin Mohamed Islam Conception & Textual Arrangement by Kingsley L. Dennis

Produced by Moin Mohamed Islam & Kingsley L. Dennis

Text extracts from: 'Approach to Reality' by A.J. Peterson (Roseking Publications, 1983)


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Text: A Giant Nexus

This giant nexus was composed of elements from damaged and degenerate egos, all occultly contaminated, dangerous, destructive and self-willed, adhering together through the principle of mutual attraction. Those that had karmic links with such elements may in other areas of themselves have reached a level of development capable of great good, but, handicapped by contaminated impressions, forming, in many cases, impassable blocks, were subject to crystallisation and deterioration — the very opposite of what they sought. The destruction therefore was not of souls, but of accretions — accumulations of wrong growth detrimental to other aspects where correct development was possible. Conjoined with these were ‘shells’ drawn and attracted by the magnetic particles inherent in the accretions — the shells having already been sloughed off and discarded by the souls that ‘wore’ them. They became ‘supercharged’, full-fed by absorption of the potencies of others — these discarnate ‘egos’ continually renewing their existence in this manner, the whole constituting a formidable ‘moon’ wielding powerful tides of influence and attracting youthful beings in their thousands to the perverted enchantment of witchcraft and magic, admixed with ambition, pride and sensuality — distorting beyond redemption the originating impulse belonging to a former phase of development.

The potent and charged mentalities composing the nexus, exuded thoughtforms and desires, received and ingested as ‘food’ by the masses. The rightful use of such developed potency 1s producing nutrition on mental and emotional levels, like archetypes, which filter the unformed subtle casings of human beings, assisting strong, natural, correctly oriented growth. So great and universal became the influence of the central core, of which there were many split-off parts, like a massing of cells, that wholesale ‘shattering’ (as with the recalcitrant human ego), was the last and only resort, the resulting dissolution discharged as effluent and earthed through specially prepared channels all over the earth. It has a similitude or equation with a cancer operation — but in this case there can be no ‘secondaries’ — what remains are simply the tendencies, which court drastic measures as and when they emerge.

The personality lives of individuals concerned will not have changed, but, stripped of their inner magnetic pulls and wayward leanings — the well-worn tracks of conditioned response — new possibilities arise. The karmic path of recompense and humiliation will ensure the eventual qualities of fortitude, endurance and compassion that are essential to all true progression, and those with sufficient capacity will build anew with courage.