Your descriptions of false paths are masterful ( and quietly lethal). They resonate. Two thoughts occur: the first being the temporary 'usefulness' of illusions, whose promises being betrayed ( as they will be, in time) still serve towards fostering a greater refinement and discernment towards a deeper truth. The second arises from seeing that in the conflict between equal claims of loyalty, affection, adherence, call it what-you-will, lie the 'Grundlagen' of acceptance that permits something truer and deeper to guide. Being impotent through conflict is often the beginning of real growth. Perhaps in the current clashing conflict that surrounds us now, the Path is finding us?

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Thanks Philippa - and in response to your thought on the usefulness of illusion, I am reminded of this saying: “Yes, the world is an illusion. But Truth is always being shown there.”

- Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe.

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So many roads, One destination… 🙏

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Many pathways up the mountain, yet the view at the top is the same....

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Great article. Did you ever come across the concept of the Crypto-plutocracy. (crypto as in hidden in a crypt and Plutocracy as a hidden Leadership)

As I noticed in every irrational formation of human desires and their succinct controls they are conveniently linked to a hidden thing. Houses of holy, Banking Server FED, the Spear of Destiny or the Soothsayer to list a few used from pagan to modern scientism that now employs hidden nanobots in Phials that no one can see.

Just wondering if this is the 23rd Chromasome that fused into strange needs for belief that convinces the masses to cheer for a team or cry at a statue of a god? It just seems to be everywhere from all media (MEDEA) Just always one deception away from new novelty of deception. It just seems to be something interesting? Any thoughts ?

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Cheers - I'm aware of the term 'Crypto-plutocracy' - and its meaning - yet I've not partaken of any particular writings solely in this direction ... There is a chapter called 'Hidden Hands' in my book 'The Inversion' that gives a nod in this way... of course, hidden leadership has always existed in one form or another ... including our Houses of Holy, banking institutions, and all the rest of our socio-cultural and political establishments... and also in other domains beyond the physical ... the nature of our 'lesser reality' can be said to be a 'Crypto Domain' for many aspects are hidden to our lower level perceptions... the masses cheer, chant, and conquer because of the crypto-conditioning prevalent in this domain also...

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Cheers for the answer. Just seems odd one can claim divinity through consensus of something that can not be seen only believed. Sigil power maybe? Mastery of ressonance like 5 g towers or walls of Jericho? Just seens really odd millions can be controlled by just saying power resides in a box in a room somewhere, majority rules I guess and advertising sticks lol another day on planet earth...

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