Sep 18, 2023Liked by Kingsley L. Dennis

♈️ Erik Davis & High Weirdness have cropped up in your most recent couple of posts on this platform & on YouTube. A bit of a coincidence wouldn’t you say ? Erik recently returned from a Hiking Trek in the High Atlas Morocco 🇲🇦 just before the devastating earthquake there. He wrote a very interesting post about the Djinn, well worth reading in view of your discussion about the urgrund here. Interestingly & by way of a Synchronicity Erik will feature on a soon forthcoming episode of the “Weird Studies” podcast I’m reliably informed. As the late Terence McKenna said “I believe that great weirdness stalks the universe. That’s not the issue with me, but it is not tacky. It is not tacky.”

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There's coincidence operating also in those yonder algorithms ... (or in the al-Gor-Rhythms)... and there are djinn in those yonder realms of high weirdness too... synchronicity abounds within the Abode of Lesser Reality ... I'll be looking out for ongoing weirdness ;-)

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Kingsley L. Dennis

Thank you Kingsley, and looking forward to reading the book. This reminds me of walking through the dark forest, to find the light. And realizing the light is within, that will guide one out of the darkness of the forest.

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Thanks Lisa.... and that's a great way to put it: realizing the light is within, and that it shall guide us through these delusions and illusions... for the center within is stable... and we'll get out of this dark forest eventually...!

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Kingsley L. Dennis

Drat! Me and technicollegy. Keyboarded a rather lengthy responsive salutation to your except. Then I decided to check out the previous comments. Not a good idea. It was not possible to resurrect the intended send.

Even though it's Thanksgiving evening here in the $tates; I remain thankful and appreciative of your quite congruent and most apt selective posting from your latest literary venture. All our thoughts and intentions are included in the Akashic Annals. Thus, even though it occupied the entirety of late afternoon and into a Gibbous Moon now nearing Ten O' Clock high; the time invested on this keyboard was helpful in not only ingesting your thoughts and precepts, but also clarifying my own future focus on producing the New World Cosmographic Alphabet, the purport of which is trans-abstract and employing equally both the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

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Thanks for your thoughts as they are transmitted through the wrangle of the technosphere...the spirit of the intended send is included also in your retrospective send... and may you continue to birth the New World Cosmographic Alphabet ...abstract into manifestation ...

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Dick was absolutely correct that what we consider to be reality is actually a very poor counterfeit. The first time I tried DMT I was shown what true reality looks like and it is so so so so much more beautiful than the Walmart version we usually see, the colors were beyond description, along with seeing colors that don’t exist in our everyday reality. IMO hallucinogenic plants are a way for humans to get a glimpse of the divine reality that is currently denied to us. For humanity to have the filter removed from our perception will require more and more of us to become awakened to the fact what we see is so minimal compared to the glory that is true reality.

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Thanks Rev! Yes, Dick was trying to tell us (and tell himself) what was going on all these years... he was telling us all a more authentic story, even if he was a warped protagonist in his own story ... the non-physical worlds are richer in all ways... and some substances can give us a glimpse - yet the issue here is that they don't allow us to gain permanence .... how to remove the filter in a permanent way so that the greater perception is sustained.... this is a grand journey for all of us... and 'the glory that is true reality,' as you say, shall await...

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Kingsley L. Dennis

Very interesting. In short, there is God and there is Maya. If you want to wake up to Truth, focus on it. I would say the hearts longing has to supersede the minds thinking to progress along this path. The mind itself is a kind of barrier. One can't think oneself out of this trap. But loving and seeking the help of a divine source can.

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Thanks Dennis.... Yes, as you say, there is Truth and there is non-Truth... and everything in-between gets to complicate matters.... yet the in-between realm is where most of us reside. I agree that the mind - the intellect - becomes a barrier, for the apparatus takes dominance over the signal ... thinking won't get us out....I agree..... Connecting with the Essential can....

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Kingsley L. Dennis

I like that phrase- the in between realm. Between God and maya, between the devil and the deep. Half angels, half beasts. Aspiring on towards the divine as well as dragged backwards by our anamilistic evolutionary heritage. The great thing is that the journey goes ever on, which reminds me of a great Dan Fogelberg song called Ever On!

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And 'Ever On' is also the human evolutionary journey, for we are not finished yet... as we move through that 'in-between' realm - just that some people are closer to the devil and deep; and others closer to the angels and the Absolute.... yet there's a lot of space in that in-between!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Kingsley L. Dennis

Yes, everyone at different stages of growth. Thus, it’s hard to blame anyone for not being more conscious than they are yet. I think Meher Baba coined the word “Involution” for the human phase of evolutionary growth. Our physical form progress reaches its apex in the human and there is no more need for external or bodily evolving. The rest is in or inner consciousness evolvement.

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Exactly - it's 'Involution' now... this is something I mention in my book 'The Inversion' - that the transhumanist agenda is trying to give a false narrative that evolution is now post-human in that the body needs to be augmented by tech in order to go further... yet the real evolutionary path is through 'involution' - the development of inner & perceptive capacities - what have been termed 'new organs of perception'...

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