I read to the end, brilliant and percepive!! The Hopi Prophesy says there will be a split in humanity, one group going the path of the mind and materialism, the other the spiritual path of the heart and the original human culture. Time travelers from 52,000 years in the future say this has happened several times in our history.

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Thanks Janae, and it seems that this 'Prophesy' will come true... always there are those who choose the dead-end evolutionary path.. and the few who, like pruning a fruit tree, become sharpened and prepared for the 'path less travelled' that 'makes all the difference' (to paraphrase Robert Frost) ...

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I was reminded of 'Childhood's End' by Arthur C. Clarke.

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Yes, a classic book! I also feel something like this ... something similar was mirrored in Doris Lessing's 'The Making of a Representative for Planet 8' - in the creation of a 'group soul' for continued evolution after this current phase comes to a close....

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As always a very good reflection Kingsley.

As far as I have been able to realize, there seems to be no form of system that does not have some "anomalies" within itself or, as you say, "evolutionary outriders" whose actions may not always be successful but do mark a change in our evolution as a species. And it seems that the persistence in evolving obeying a call to an organic, living Superior "Something" seems to be the fork that will make the difference. On the other hand, this may well be our last chance to not end up being just the batteries of a cold mechanical system, or borgs...

My perception tells me that it does not necessarily have to be catastrophic. In this regard, I would suggest to everyone to look for and read the website of the Italian scientist Giuliana Conforto, who has similar perceptions and science to share, about an Organic Universe. 🙏

Greetings from Chile.

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Thank you, Alejandra... I like the concept of an 'Organic Universe'.... in the end - or in essence - Life is Life.... there is nothing 'outside' of the Absolute - yet there are varying vibrations and levels of life, and for me, in this vibration, organic life is the most significant as it has evolved to receive the 'sacred vibrations'... and maybe there shall be a 'fork in the road' where evolutionary pathways separate ... ?

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Is it possible that the conceptualization termed "the music of the spheres" implies that Cosmic Consciousness is not only interconnective, but also carries us beyond an Organic Universe into harmonious resonance via what can be described as an Organic Tuniverse?

Higher Harmonics is suggestive of a discarnate Creator manifesting by means of co-creative energies emanating through tuned-in individuals who receive and then transmit Real-Eye-Zations of the Allness of One and the Oneness of All.

Kingsley's "Evolutionary Outriders" well describes individual "sensitives" who may be "Tuniversal Adepts" who have self-selected over the course of multiple incarnations in this and other dimensional realities to further manifest interconnectivness amongst the multitudes of sentient beings throughout the Cosmos.

Perhaps we "Earthlings", as a virtually neonatal macro -cultural expression compared with more spiritually developed worlds; have certain duties to our co-inhabitors of this planet; in that process demonstrating to the "others" that we have the innate capability of heightened spiritual cognizance.

The Jungian hypothesis of "Universal Unconscious", promulgated a century ago, along with Buke's "Cosmic Consciousness" a decade and more earlier; both imply that a gradual awakening, individually scattered, yet growing within the general body of human consciousness; that we "slow-learners" are showing signs in broader profusion, that we, as sentient beings ultimately do not require that our interplay as humans do NOT require mechanistic, non-human AI interlocutors....that indeed, even we thoroughly deracinated "Westerners" are throwing off our shackles of the Piscean Age as we reconnect our visions into the wholeness of cosmic unity.

Ironically, as the rationalistic, academicist, materialistic vision is rapidly dissolving into a chaotic maelstrom where adherence to this failed experience is fading into a historical void; a Great Awakening is reverberating at multiple levels of growing awareness in ever deeper forms of mutual cognizance.

Hold the course.

Be strong.

Current trajectory of the Spiral Dance is completing its prior devolutionary diversion and is now gathering strength, inwardly, outwardly now trending upwards...before once again cycling in reverse some 2,000+ years into the following Age of Capricorn. It's an exciting time to be alive as the adventure unfolds into the developing Aquarian Epoch.

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A wonderful reply, Carstie ... and yes, I do feel we are all a part of the 'Higher Harmonics' ... and that the Evolutionary Outriders are the earlier waves of the 'Tuniversal adepts' that are helping to synch with the incoming vibrational states - like 'anchoring' them into the current vibrational environment... the masses are swimming in the collective unconscious (or subconscious) and living through 'everyday consciousness', yet only the few are syncing with the supraconsciousness that shall recalibrate the frequencies for the next evolutionary stage. Yet the 'mechanistic, non-human AI interlocuters' are trying to establish a different frequency pattern that will drive this world into deeper materialism... yet, as you rightly point out, there are many people now reverberating at multiple levels of growing awareness that are dissolving the weaker mechanistic frequencies. ... We just got to keep hanging on in there!! Indeed - 'Hold the Course' ..... thanks Carstie! :-)

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Thanks Kingsley. Your concordance means much to me. Your body of work is most impressive. Come the winter season when homestead duties no longer occupy the bulk of my free time, my intent is to delve more thoroughly into your public offerings. The conflict is waged primarily in spiritual realms. The contributions you make on a sustained basis are appreciated by Awakeners across our beloved planet.

Surely, you have explored the leverage factor which ultimately will fulfill the promise to be discerned in the explorations of Archimedes. Inevitably, truth will win out.

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Appreciate your thoughts ... yes, we are all working towards the 'leverage factor' on this planet....

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Great 😊

But we shall not walk on our heads

Let’s prepare to board the merkavah as one soul and take the ball with us to play some more.

To our next stage.

The stars are calling us, the earth and moon shall miss us and wait for our come back, we shall send a new frequency from afar but yet so close. And they will recognize the song.

the earth has has branded us with its magnificent life giving power. And we will carry its frequency signature with us.

The machines will need to transform enough to reach the gate of life but will they be allowed in, who knows?

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Indeed, Jean-Marie - WE have the frequency that connects with the stars... and we can take our ball to play in the cosmic ballpark... WE also have the organic frequency signature, and that is MAGIC :-)

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It seems that more than the usual number of children being born in this decade appear to come with some of these capacities already in place. They take for granted that time/space is just perceptual perhaps as a result of the assumptions of the ‘collective unconscious’ these technologies rest on. Evolution in action? Perhaps there is hope for our species if we gently guide these little ones?

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Yes, I agree that there is hope for our species.... evolution is 'in action' ...and acting through not only those receptive within the new generation, yet within all receptive individuals... just not the majority right now..... :-)

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Evolutionary Outriders, I like it, the 7 ride again.

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It's the Evolutionary Outriders that make all the difference... wave after wave from the periphery...

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Beyond the Robot, or Mission Impossible,In Search of the Miraculous perhaps... 🧿

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IN Search of the Impossible Beyond the Robot??

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