Fantastic Article. Yeh something reminds me of the indigenous tribes that were hooked in deeper to the earth mind beyond the known earth and the False Egragore of A.i attempted to impose its self. Like Finke says that Blackrock has to Force behaviours on its employees and thus the world as its employees will be enforced or punitively and fiscally punished by removals of trade. I like the conspirators that venture into the Medium of imagination as it seems that is the only place where anything gets really done where you can connect with the standing wave of everything and well... non duality means No Duelling.

Keep up the good work I really hope you get the readership your hard work and perspicacity deserves.

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Thanks... yes, maybe it can only be through genuine human imagination, and contact with the imaginal realms, that will bring us all through the miasma of the AI colonization-through-substitution ... as the waves converge and then separate ... which wave shall we be surfing??

I'm trying to keep up the 'good Work' as I wander through the agora ...

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Fascinating article. 'A.I. forms are being groomed to become the new resurrection bodies as the vehicles for physical immortality. ' What interests me is the extent our flesh bodies - as they are interconnected with our minds and psyches - are what make us human. The machinic consciousness, of course, wants to do away with our squishy, messy organic forms. However, it is our bodies that allow us to feel need, pain and suffering, pleasure, emotions, compassion and empathy. Machinic reasoning would have us long for artificial bodies that are easily repaired, pain-free and functionally enhanced - who wouldn't want that? But ultimately, the less connected to our bodies, the less we feel, and the less compassionate and human we become.

As a student of Ryke Hamer's German New Medicine, I'm learning how exquisitely adaptable and self-healing our bodies are, and also how disrupted our connection to our bodies has become through social programming, (our bodies are faulty and flawed, trust the experts more than yourself etc) leaving us wide open to machinic thinking. As you illustrate so well in your story, the machinic consciousness can never have humanity's well-being at heart; it does not have a flesh and blood body with which to do so.

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Thanks Nina (apologies for late reply - been away). Yes, we are being conditioned to feel against the squishiness of our flesh bodies. In a previous book ('Hijacking Reality'), I called this the 'Weak Bodies' hypothesis where we are being hit by the transhuman propaganda to make us think/believe that our physical host bodies are inherently flawed - and thus weak - and so we need to beg for the techno-salvation path. There is a chapter (Ch.6) in the 'Inversion' book from which the above essay is taken, where I discuss the body as a 'holy host' ('In thy body do I dwell') which supports your own line of thinking. Perhaps I shall create this into a later substack post/essay? Thanks for your comment!

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As someone who's a bit of a late-comer to the truthfulness and exquisite wisdom of my body (I'm currently studying German New Medicine - Ryke Hamer's work in the context of health - the body never makes 'mistakes' or is 'flawed') I'd certainly be very interested in that, Kingsley and thank you for your reply. I'd say just about every aspect of our society works to take us out of our bodies and disconnect us from our feelings, our natural rhythms and cycles, our respect for this intelligent interface between our inner selves and the world. So much in our lives distract us from the truth of our bodies, from so-called healthcare, the beauty and pseudo-wellness industry, entertainment, addictions, the dictates of what work is supposed to look like, religion and spirituality the list goes on. I will get your book! :-)

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Thanks Nina - and yes, so true - we are being taken 'out of our bodies' through continuous processes of desensitization as this will condition the younger/coming generations into more easily accepting the route to transhumanism and body-machine merger - or so it seems to me! We are being heavily distracted from the truth of our bodies - and of the great latent potentials we still have for incredible development of bodily-psychic capacities. So much of the outer world is distracting people....and yet, so many of us are also waking up to the greater truths! Keep up this Great Work with your own Path...Blessings

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11:11 portal to The Inversion... ♻️Scorpio Season ♏️

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Enter the Portal... go deep, but not so deep that you can't resurface at the other end ... hold your breath & breath deeply at the same time... nothing is straighter than the thin line of paradox ...

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