These essays are fantastic Kingsley, thank you so much for your generosity is sharing them here for all to read. I find your writing to be clear, straightforward and incredibly useful. Thank you again.
Thank you, Nico - I'm just glad that the few are appreciating these essays. The book (from which the essays are taken) came out in 2020 yet did not travel widely with readers, let's say ... so perhaps in essay form they will be absorbed in a different way. Appreciate your feedback.
Cheers! I'll check out Michael's new essays ... he's probably keeping a fairly low profile these days, and that's something I concur with .. stay away from the rumble in the jungle ;-)
These essays are fantastic Kingsley, thank you so much for your generosity is sharing them here for all to read. I find your writing to be clear, straightforward and incredibly useful. Thank you again.
Thank you, Nico - I'm just glad that the few are appreciating these essays. The book (from which the essays are taken) came out in 2020 yet did not travel widely with readers, let's say ... so perhaps in essay form they will be absorbed in a different way. Appreciate your feedback.
It’s Just an Illusion… 🎼
Open up your eyes and look around
It's just an illusion ...
Cheers! I'll check out Michael's new essays ... he's probably keeping a fairly low profile these days, and that's something I concur with .. stay away from the rumble in the jungle ;-)