Great article. I just finished reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and the themes presented in that book match up with what this article discusses. A society that is governed as a collective will crush the human spirit to the point where no original thought can occur, nor will those living in said society even realize they no longer think for themselves, only about what others think of them. Those who rebel against such a statist society, such as Howard Roark, will have the hammer dropped on them so they must be strong enough to resist the anger of the masses and stand by their creative convictions. The current state of cinema, and literature, shows a complete breakdown in individual thought and creation, everything that is now produced is so formulaic and devoid of originality that I often wonder what the creators think of themselves, how can one be proud by stealing, and perverting, someone's original creation?

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Thanks.... and yes, there seems to be an array of social forces that have the effect of fragmenting aspects of human will, intention, and purpose (see my earlier essays 'The Will to Purpose Pts 1 & 2). The bombardment of external impacts and distractions also have the effect of disassociating the masses and diluting the power of individual thought and critical observation... all these effects are in play; yet, at the same time, we are being offered the opportunities to face these obstacles in order to develop the tools, abilities and capacities to overcome them, and to develop our own greater forces...

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Kingsley L. Dennis

The Ahrimanic/Luciferic wrestling continues 🤼

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The wrestling continues indeed... as it is all part of the evolutionary friction.... the question is: who will be activated to develop from these impulses, and who will be cowered by them...?

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Powerful, hope we find it in everything, everything that we see

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Thanks... and I hope/trust that we each can find what is necessary for us in all these experiences that are provided .... :-)

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