would it seem that everyone now knows the end is finally here. The moment everyone feared

has already happened and now the conciliation of a consumptive society now has to move to subsistence.... Not tomorrow not today... just in the body politic of the human experience that endless rush of new new new.... now broken half made dodgy and cut corners to not even make a profit.

Will the netizen turn to the book or the stars or internal dialogue?

“Great spaces of time passed in unbroken uniformity tend to shrink together in a way to make the heart stop beating for fear; when one day is like all the others, then they are all like one; complete uniformity would make the longest life seem short, and as though it had stolen away from us unawares.” (Describing the effects of monotony on human experience Thomas Mann)

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Let us hope, within the collective human heart, that people will begin to turn to that wonderful internal dialogue... that then connects them to the stars, for "‘Man, we say we know, originates from far away; so far, indeed, that in speaking of his origin, such phrases as “beyond the stars” are frequently employed. " ....

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Hopium is all we have.

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We also have a sense of humour ;-)

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Got your book today from Amazon uk. Excited about reading it. 🙏🏻

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Good to know - hope you get some benefit from it!

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