Thanks Kingsley. Very interesting.

Apropos the efficacy of prayers vs questions. Are prayers that ask for things like interacting with waiters in a restaurant? The menu is set. You may ask for things on the menu. Requests for things that are not on the menu are ignored. "The computer says no." Questions of a certain type, however, bypass the waiting staff and operate at the kitchen level. Instead of asking for something you are effectively volunteering to get involved in the kitchen where the raw ingredients are. You may therefore be able to get things that are not 'on the menu'?

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Hi Miles.....yes, good point..... it also seems important on this journey to know how to ask questions... rather than just asking for answers (by prayer)... instead of asking to receive something, we transform our asking into appropriate questions that 'allow' circumstances to teach/show us something...? Maybe.....

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The insight in the thought experiment into the precision of the unfolding from the initial impetus to Create, to Earthly reality, literally shut down my brain for a while. If the Absolute is Perfection, then error must creep in, but never in the 'aparatus' of the Demiurge.

Chuckling now, it would explain why mind-centered sci-fi was needed in the last century to balance the misunderstandings of the heart-centered mystical literature of the past.

Those that wrote this sci-fi.... Guided inspiration? Likely.

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Hi Jan.... I would also speculate, like you, that some of the ideas (mind-centered) that crept in through sci-fi was perhaps also a way to seed certain ideas into popular culture - as a way of preparing the human mind for later actualizations? Very likely that some sci-fi material was 'guided inspiration'... many creative works are from such inspirations.... And so we go on, tickling our brains and trying to activate us into new modes and forms of thinking... reaching out, psychologically, to try to grasp at farther frontiers....

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Good Vibrations… 💫

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Indeed .... ;-)

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Hello Humanity and other Earthlings, Hello Life that Knows...

Earth seems to be a construct. Even though institutions actively obfuscate evidence suspicious observers still detect all the signs of psychological Spackle and white wash and Bondo®. It seems that recent cycles of Humanity in Earth have been actively domesticated and managed by one or more factions, organizations and or cultures.

The rules of this realm seem to include rights for the ones being manipulated. We are immersed in all manner of resources like sign posts, Natural teaching plants and a language filled with irony.

Words like apocalypse point right to the epic or epoch collapse?

The manipulators use the word vacation so that we vacate our homes? So they can replace the batteries and install new devices etc. ?

Entertainment is entrainment and the highest level of education is a doctors indoctrination?

When the owners need to have an institution to control people with disease they call it the Centers for the Disease Control of People or CDCP?

In order to administer bad foods and drugs they build the FDA?

The irony in tyranny is the riot in every patriot and the reason in treason?

Language in Earth is like a minefield of fly swatters that slap you in the face when ever you have the audacity to think?


Ancient techniques and technologies in Earth work to keep Humanity domesticated and under control... and also work to drive our behaviors with drama and trauma.

It seems Humans do their best gathering and refining of resources when in states of emergency?

So keep the Humans agitated and traumatized?

Put the capitalist construct on one land mass to the west and put communism over here on the east most?

Humanity in Earth are organized like a battery with positive and negative poles... and right in the heart is a sort of pump made of three religions?

Like a dynamo or three phase motor with three religions made of Human Beings that push and pull against each other and drive spiritual, emotional and physical change to keep Humanity at optimal production?

smell the covertly applied behavioral psychology? Feel the cloak of plausible deniability?

Taste the sickly sweet poisons?

In here in my sandbox reality I can only imagine a perspective adequate to Know my keepers.

One bee in a huge hive... one horse in the heard who has been ridden and driven and worn down... and still I am that, that is... I am the potential for perfection and the Breath of the Creator of all Universes... or so I am told.

So it is written?

I come here and hear puzzles that fascinate but that are missing important pieces?

My brain is designed to be programmed and partitioned and even inhabited?

I am old and blind and angry... I have been lied to; Humanity has been from cradle to grave ?

Earth has been turned from a womb into a tomb?

If I am right then Earth is a construct and platform where an ecosystem is kept who is used as part of life support for an operation and or business.

Our dear sister Gaia who is not the rock she is kept on?

Here in Our Brother Sol who is not just a ball of fusing hydrogen?

If my perspective is valid... Earth Mars and Venus and moon are all part of the operation.

Earth is the name of the orbit where growing and gathering and refining takes place as well has harvesting...

Mars is the orbit where worn out and filthy platforms are parked so that Sol's breath and time can cleanse them and Venus is where a cleansed platform is enriched cultivated and made ready to become the new Middle Earth... see?

The owners or business do not need to preserve Earth if they can just replace it? Recycle it?

and on and on...

This is the Puzzle using my mind... the chemistry of my mystery...

This is Sativarg's vortex...


chuck 🔥💖🔥


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Reminds me a lot of some of the work of Jason Breshears and Archaix. Interesting.

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Thanks Hat.... I am aware of Jason Breshears and Archaix, although I'm not familiar with Jason's work ... perhaps there's quite a few people now tapping into a similar pool of ideas? Some of my essay - the 'Artificial God' section - was more of a thought experiment.... but is there a resonance of some partial truth to it??

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Yes, I agree that there are many beginning to tap in. A sort of 100th monkey syndrome of awakening. There is an end of this repeating scenario coming up within just 18 years or so with a regularly repeating catastrophic disaster of epic proportions that will begin in 2040 not long after which many of those awakened ones will graduate from this 6000 year old cycle.

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Absolutely. I think his work brings a lot of evidence to this idea from many sources that support evidence of both simulation and something he calls AIX. An artificial intelligence or programmed default programming that manages the human collective, and that the highly indivualized soul can actually use builder codes within it to make his own 'reality tunnel." We can create a sort of alternate reality for ourselves and those we help, although we cannot "save" or fix this world. It has a purpose that we will not change. We are just passing through and the challenge is to wake up from it, having overcome the illusion it casts upon us. In a sense it is the ultimate mystery school for souls.

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Thanks Hat ...it seems there is a lot of correlations right now around the AI program default (some of this reminds me of John C Lilley's visions of the 'Solid State Entity' ... and how a program manages the collective, yet there are 'codes' to be found that individuals can use to crack a 'way out'...especially around the ending of cycles where there is more flexibility for hacking the program... and it seems we're coming to the end of a major cycle now ... as you say, there may be possibilities for a type of 'graduation' ... do you have any relevant links to Breshears work on this theme?

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His work is so vast that it is hard to pick out one link. He has many videos on Youtube, and several books in print, but it might be best to go to his website at https://archaix.com/ Which has many links to videos arranged by subject, and click on the resources tab at the top, which has a link to an AI search tool you can scroll down to that is very helpful to answer questions. He has a great many charts that show the artificial periodicity of these recurrent resets. His work on the Great Pyramid is very impressive showing it to be a "prophesy in stone" as well as an astounding piece of enduring architecture.

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Thanks Hat...yes, took a look at his website - Jason has a lot - A LOT - of material... I do remember now coming across some videos of him speaking yet I didn't look further into him... I shall now browse further... cheers for the suggestion...

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You're welcome, enjoy. And thank you for your intelligent views over the years I've been following your work.

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