Fantastic work as always.

Interesting thought that the internet Egragore or the hungry ghost that created itself in the form of the internet has reached its Ouroboros moment. If A.i is needed to validate tech as a belief structure over human creativity then... ergo its starving on the homogeneity of its own self validating novelties it creates to keep the interest going.

Just an observation the internet and media and creative works that are coming out in 23 24 25 are well below par and getting worse.

Even the folly of a good meme or taking the piss has lost its oeuvre with the hoi polloi and troglodytes alike.

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Cheers...and yes, you're right - it seems the spark in the hungry ghost has been dampened, and the phantasm is hungrier than ever for dead souls and trolls to wander aimlessly in its byways, hunting for overpriced concert tickets and forums for damnation ... good ole memes are now worn out overcoats and all socks have holes in them....

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some music I wrote about the architects of control


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Time for the prequel of ghostbusters


Virgil's divine comedy with Dante at the click to purchase realm

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