Very well written and explained. It's there like a stone tablet now for all to read. Yet most might see a bench and sit down. Everything is playing the game with us and answers are all around. Decoding to personal is where the individual is blindsided and most continue in blind mans buff. It will catch those that are suppose to catch it. You serve your piece of the puzzle constantly, well appreciated. Shine on you crazy diamond. Phoeagdor.

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Indeed, Phoeagdor, these pieces of the puzzle will 'catch those that are supposed to catch it'.. .which is why such things have always been scattered around... not in your face, just lying in wait... Cheers ...

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It comes down to a matter of perception, at least that's the way it's been for me since I became aware of our multidimensionality. Perception of reality is formed by conditioning, everything we know, believe/disbelieve, even our feelings are instilled in us by our parents/society, starting as soon as we leave the womb. Babies have no perception of what is "real" or what is not, they look to adults to help them form their world views about reality. If you're constantly told that consciousness is nothing but a by product of brain activity then that's probably what you're going to believe; it will nothing short of a mystical experience to alter that viewpoint. This is what it took for me to start my spirit quest, I had what can only be described as a mystical experience that showed me there are forces, dimensions, entities, out there that can only be perceived if you're willing to challenge what you've been conditioned to think is normal reality. Once you acknowledge that what you've been led to believe is absolute garbage you then allow yourself to be open to the experience of true reality, something that I am still learning to navigate. If I had known about energy/vibrations earlier in my life it would have saved me so so so many headaches over the years. Not knowing I was an empath and that everyone I am around means I suck up their emotions and feelings led me to always thinking I was the problem, that something was wrong with me. It wasn't til I started down the road of finding my own authenticity that I came to the realization it wasn't my fault, the world is filled with broken and lost souls and that is what I was feeling. Love your work Kingsley!

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Thanks 'Rev Gonzo' for your comments... yes, Perception is Everything... and it seems that this reality we're in is a contestation for establishing perceptions... unfortunately, it seems there is a drive to establish dominant perceptions like a competition so that the many/masses are limited by these conditioning beliefs, and the many don't seem compelled to seek beyond these limiting bubbles... As you say, once you can get past these limiting buffers, then a whole different perceptive understanding opens up.. and we can perceive how humanity is being kept within a perceptive prison, which they tend to then perpetuate through unknowing/ignorance... maybe there will be some 'incoming vibrations' that will help to shift this situation... yet still people need to be receptive and willing to open up to the new resonance... Cheers!

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